Saturday, May 12, 2007


I often come across interesting memorabilia related to my father, Jim Vaus, on the Internet. I think the poster above was recently being auctioned on e-bay. It is an advertisement for a speaking engagement in Chicago on July 27, 1952--immediately following the Republican and Democratic National Conventions that same year, also in Chicago. In light of the relatively placid time in America's history ushered in with the election of Eisenhower in 1952, the question posed by the poster: "Are we electing our last president?" seems rather ironic.

But this poster reminded me once again of the amazing power of God which led my father from criminal pardon by a president (Truman) to speaking about Christ at the Chicago Convention Campaign to over 10,000 people in just a matter of a few years. Of course there will be more of an explanation of how that happened in my forthcoming book. . . .

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